Sunday, January 20, 2013


I am a very visual person and I LOVE going and observing other kindergarten teachers! In one day I can get so many new ideas to use in my own classroom I get tickled just thinking about it :) Here are some of the awesome ideas I found!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ornament Creations

A fabulous gift to parents! My kids were so excited when I told them my aunt was going to fire them. Except for one student who was in tears because he didn't want her to burn his ornament! Their little minds never seize to amaze me.


My students love creating their spelling words with blocks! Great center idea!

I'm An Auntie!!!!

I am madly in love with Leon Badilla! He is so freakin cute<3

Setting Up Mom's Christmas Tree

I love setting up my mom's Christmas tree! My brother and I work together every year to create these masterpieces :)